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 Freedom Since 1776

Image by Scott Graham
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Restore State Nationals Rock Educational videos that promote Rights, Petitions, Liberties, and Freedoms. 

State Nationals Rock, Directors Gwendolyn, Ashley, and Kenny have experienced the silencing of our voices and petitions on social media platforms. (over 1000 videos banned at once) Our right to express ourselves and petition the government for redress of grievance is being curtailed. This is not just about State Nationals Rock or any one individual. This is about all Peoples 1st amendment rights. Do we have a constitution or not?


Social media has become a vital tool for civic engagement in the modern world. It allows us to connect with others, share ideas, solicit online petitions, and rally support for causes we believe in. However, current trends suggest that social media platforms increasingly limit our ability to exercise these rights. When we attempt to solicit signatures for online petitions, no matter how we solicit (funny video, educational video, it's our choice how we solicit) via social media, we often find ourselves silenced.


This is not just an inconvenience but a violation of our constitutional rights. The First Amendment Guarantees us freedom of speech, the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances, and the right to association. By preventing us from using their platforms to express our free speech, right to association, and right to petition the government for redress of grievance. Social media companies are effectively infringing on these rights.


We must remember that terms and agreements should not supersede constitutional law or be used as tools to silence citizens/Nationals/Statesmen's voices or limit their ability to petition their government or petition for signatures.


Therefore, this petition calls on lawmakers and regulators alike: We need legislation that protects Citizen/National/Statesmens' use of social media to exercise their First Amendment rights – especially when it comes to the right to petition the government for redress of grievance. 


Please sign this petition if you believe in preserving free speech, the right to petition, and the right to association on all platforms – including social media – without fear of censorship or silencing.



State Nationals Rock Directors Kenny, Ashley, and Gwendolyn's 1st Amendment right to freedom of speech, freedom to petition the government for a redress of grievance, and right of association are being violated by social media companies. (tiktok-instagrahm-facebook) State Nationals Rock uses social media not only to create educational information about government policies but also to create petitions, solicit signatures for petitions, and help educate others to petition the government for redress of grievance for their rights both on an individual level as well as a social level.



Uphold the 1st amendment and restore the videos that have been deleted. State nationals Rock has consistently promoted the unity of the people through knowledge; they do not encourage violence or promote harmful content. They promote self-education by taking responsibility for one's own actions. They promote that we are all God's children, no matter our race, color, creed, or religion. They lead by example and help educate their brothers and sisters not just in America but worldwide.


Have you had videos or posts deleted on social media in the last 12 months?
Are you in the United States?

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